Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.

Cheating today and adding some words. This isn't necessarily a moment I want to savor and  remember, but it was a moment of peace in a hard week. Finn was sick (and home from school) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and when Phoebe was feverish and having trouble breathing Tuesday night I took her to urgent care on Wednesday morning to find out that she has pneumonia. Again. She had it in the same exact spot in December, leaving us a little bit concerned about a possible underlying cause. But, our main focus right now is getting everyone well and rested. It has been a week of naps and movies, staying in and letting things go. A week of adjusting, of patience, and of getting some rest whenever (and wherever) you can.
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  1. Oh no, not a good week at all. Poor Phoebe, hope she gets all the rest she needs and heals quickly.

    Hope Finn is feeling better too.

    Take care of yourself mama. Hugs.

  2. When my daughter was diagnosed with pneumonia twice and bronchitis twice in one year it was determined she had asthma. Once on the asthma meds she was good to go!! Good luck finding out the cause!!

  3. Poor sweet thing...wishing both Phoebe and Finn speedy recovery's and here is hoping you get at least at LITTLE rest :)

    Take care.

  4. Sweet little napper. So sorry for your troubles. Hope everyone is on the mend after the restful week. <3

  5. Oh so sorry! Our girl got roseola this week, and RSV last month. What a rough 2013 it's been for bugs!!! Hope your household gets healthy soon.

  6. Poor kiddo. I hope she feels better soon! But I have to say, she is too cute, even when she's under the weather.

  7. yall rest and do nothing! Hope next week is better.

  8. Oh, so sorry for the sickness. Pneumonia can be seem so scary. But, with modern medicine, it's usually a quick heal.

    Maybe connect with a alternative medicine person (Chinese Doctor, naturopath, etc...) after she is on the mend to see if there is something that can be strengthened in her system.

    I've had a few things come up in my kids that I ventured out to "alternative" docs. One was a serious rash that top dermatologists and our family doc could not figure out! The person that figured it out for us actually "read" her body by intuition and after several months of the rash, she was healed in 2 days.

    Quite a different story from yours, just to illustrate, we can get answers from so many places.

  9. p.s. your banner photo is just so amazing.
