Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quick Tip: Freezer Compost

A few months back, Caroline, over at The Feminist Housewife, gave me a wonderful composting tip. She told me that she keeps her compost in the freezer to help eliminate odors and bug problems. We have big gnat and ant problems in Portland, so I was game to give it a whirl. We have been keeping our food scraps in our freezer for the past few months and I have been quite happy with the results. Since there is no smell or bugs, we only have to take it out to the compost bin once or twice a week, and when I dump the compost into the bin, it comes out in this nice frozen puck (without any oozing composting juices--ewww-- that always seemed to be created when our compost stayed at room temperature). The only downside is that is takes up valuable real estate in the freezer, but so far we have made the system work for us.
Do you compost? Where do you keep your compost before you take it to the bin? Pin It Now!


  1. Wow, I was gonna say my freezer is not that organized so ours would be shoved on top of a bunch of other stuff would probably spill all over the place. You are my friend so I can admit that without shame, but once I get my freezer clean enough this would be a great idea. Ben currently takes ours out every night since the bin is right next to the entrance to his man cave :)

  2. We compost, and vermicompost, and I had the same issues as you did when we kept it on the counter. One day I stuck it in the fridge b/c I was so sick of the bugs. And it was like a lightbulb went off. LOL! Why hadn't I ever thought of that!? So, that's where we keep ours now. We have an old giant pickle jar labeled "compost" and an old tubberware jug labeled "worms". Both have lids. I add to them as I need, and replace the lid. Once full, they're taken out to their correct piles. EASY! We have a super small freezer so I think I'll stick to our fridge plan as my fridge is huge. I only empty once or twice a week-ish.
